
Watchdog Finds That US Hospitals Made $120 Million From ‘Sex Changes’ On Children

Hospitals in the US profited to the tune of $120 million from performing ‘gender altering’ surgeries and procedures on children, according to new data gleaned from insurance claims.

Statistics complied by medical watchdog Do No Harm reveal that around 14,000 kids were subject to either puberty blockers, cross sex hormones or full on ‘sex change’ surgeries, including mastectomies on 14 year olds, between the years 2019 and 2023.

The findings have been complied into a database by Do No Harm, which believes that the figures are conservative because they do not include self-pay, charity payments, internal Veterans Affairs claims or patients covered by Kaiser Health Plans.

Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, Chairman of the group urged that the database, called “Does My Hospital Transition Kids?” should put to rest the myth that such procedures are “rare” or confined to select areas of the country.

“This is a very, very important issue, and it’s a very important issue to get right,” Goldfarb stated, adding “we’ve really been meticulous in trying to make sure that the data are as clear as possible and are as accurate as possible.”

“And because of that, you’re going to find that, if anything, we’re showing the lower limits of what’s going on in this whole arena,” he further noted.

“To be certain that we’re not overstating it one iota, we’re probably, and almost certainly, understating the nature of the problem,” he added.

The watchdog highlighted specific hospitals where the procedures have been carried out the most, labelling them a “dirty dozen.”

The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia was top of the list, having provided 122 minors sex-change procedures, charging a total of $230,784 in just five years, according to the database.

Other facilities topping the list include Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, Children’s Minnesota, Seattle Children’s, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Boston Children’s Hospital, Rady Children’s Hospital, Children’s National Medical Center, UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland, Children’s Hospital Colorado, UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.

It comes as no surprise that liberal states are where the numbers are higher.

The analysis found that the top four states for sex-change procedures were California, New York, Washington and Ohio, with over 1,000 children offered the ‘treatment’ in each state.

Californian facilities alone raked in $28.9 million in charges for irreversible surgeries on more than 1,300 kids.

“Adults can do as they wish, but we feel very strongly that the science behind using these treatments in children is extraordinarily flawed and suggests that children are being harmed in that sense,” Dr Goldfarb urged.

The database should “expose the dangers of experimental pediatric gender medicine and bring the practice to an end,” Do No Harm stated in a news release.

The Biden Harris Administration has pushed the procedures for children, with controversial Assistant Health Secretary Rachel Levine describing them as ‘suicide prevention’ and ‘life saving’.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, has said he will abolish so called ‘gender-affirming care’ for minors, which he has labelled “child abuse” and “child sexual mutilation.”

Trump has also vowed to roll back Biden Administration changes to Title IX with regards to trans identifying individuals “on day one” of his second presidential term.

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