
Be Prepared! They’re Already Calling a Public Health Emergency

In my last report, I mentioned that the World Health Organization passed the “Pandemic Treaty” according to Liberty News and Worthy News, two credible organizations. They allowed it to “slip through” despite not getting the required votes. 34 out of 194 countries passed the vote, with the US being one of those countries, as Biden supported it. Here is the link.

Now that they have passed it, the 300 amendments they added to the International Health Regulations (IHR) will become effective, and here are just a few of those amendments:

  • Expand the definition of a “Pandemic and Health Emergency.” The World Health Organization (WHO) can then mandate lockdowns or medical measures solely based on the assumption that a virus or other emergency might be harmful.
  • Stiffen, the Director General of the WHO’s ability to declare an emergency without other board members agreeing.
  • Set up a robust surveillance framework in all member states.
  • Give the WHO authority over specific resources inside member countries, such as intellectual property rights.
  • Make mandatory all individual-related IHR regulations, such as those concerning the closure of borders, the limitation of travel, quarantines, medical examinations, and the administration of medicine and vaccines.

Under the International Pandemic Treaty, they intend to increase the influence of the WHO by implementing a “One World Health Agenda, which holds the belief that many different aspects of life and the “Environment” might affect “One’s Health.” As a result, they can declare the “Weather,” among many other things, a public “health emergency.”

Simply put, the WHO can tighten its control over “global health” by “rewriting” the International Health Organization (and they did) as they passed it through.

The Pandemic Treaty goes well beyond the WHO’s scope of responsibility, which was only for epidemics until the IHR regulations were changed.

Under the “New” Pandemic Treaty:

  • The WHO is responsible for deciding about diet, agriculture, livestock farming, environmental pollution, population movement, and so much more.

It is why we have been hearing so much about farm animals disrupting the environment and why Bill Gates is so active in producing GMOs in his manufacturing business, as well as his vaccine in sub-Saharan Africa.

The sky is now the limit on what they can call an international health emergency, and the vital thing to remember is it will all become effective in May 2025, if not sooner. So, paying close attention to anything you hear related to the calling of a Health Emergency is essential.

If you need a confirmation of this article, Here is one for you: Tuesday, June 25, 2024, “US Surgeon General Declares Gun Violence a Public Health Emergency.” Here is the link. 

To summarize, there is a concentrated effort to make the WHO, the defacto governing body of the resound global state under the Final World Empire, which is in its “resetting stage” and to be complete by 2030, if not sooner, which points directly to The Great Tribulation, and nothing will change the matter because it is written in the ancient texts>>The Bible, despite anyone who disputes the Holy text.

We are watching in real-time the factual truth of the matter being fulfilled right before our eyes.

I wrote and published my book “Narcissism Rising! The Final World Empire” in the summer of 2023, and I am amazed, even after writing all this information, to see everything coming to pass. I was not alone in writing it, as the Lord guided me every step of the way. You can find that book here.


Lori B


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