
The UN Takes Step Forward to Create a ONE WORLD Government

By: Lori B

My two latest books go into great detail on a One World Government that has been forming for quite some time now and is to be completed in 2030 or sooner. I have sounded the alarm on this very dangerous situation that they at one time called a conspiracy as they hid it from the masses and now is out in the open! Please don’t be caught off guard, as all those things predicted to occur in these last days are unfolding even as you read this.

Narcissism Rising! The Final World Empire can be found here.

The Left of a Country & What’s Left can be found here. 

By: Dave Hodges

The United Nations is a SERIOUS threat to our future, and not only should the United States withdraw from the UN, it should be thrown out of New York City. The Biden Administration REFUSES to seek peace with Russia and has NO INTENTION of negotiating with Russia. That effectively says the United Nations is just a dog and pony show with no purpose other than to expand its own power as well as its World Health Organization to create its long-term dream of ruling the entire world.


From the very beginning, the United Nations has indulged in self-aggrandizement to elevate itself to the de facto world government. They have been a proponent of tyranny, even using climate change and health that they alone should be in charge. This treaty they just proposed is called the Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes, pretending this is about cybercrime. Still, it is not – it is about censorship. The UN claims this is the only way to create peace by putting them in charge of the world – unelected, of course. They encouraged this war between the West and Russia because they believed that they could emerge as the Great Peacemaker, which would finally justify their assumption of dominion over the entire world.

This power-hungry United Nations approved its first International Cybercrime Treaty despite significant objections from all the tech companies and human rights groups. This Treaty is HIGHLY DANGEROUS and will tear the world apart and further suppress human rights, which is the objective of the United Nations, just as we are witnessing with all of these hate speech crimes and imprisonment for merely criticizing a government as in Britain and Ireland. This has been part of the World Economic Forum’s 2030 Agenda of world domination. Schwab is a control freak not unlike Joseph Stalin, who launched his great Purge to silence all his critics.

This Treaty will authorize electronic surveillance worldwide in the name of criminal investigations. It abandons every fundamental principle of global human rights, including freedom of speech and expression. It seeks to establish the most expansive jurisdiction for a crime, just as Britain is seeking to extradite an American for criticizing the new Labour Government in Britain.

The United Nations, which is totally UNELECTED, is creating this Treaty as oppression, fully knowing that the clauses it contains are vague and subject to wide interpretation, allowing countries to come up with their own self-serving interpretations to prosecute anything they call a crime that takes place on a computer system internationally. This is intended to silence podcasts worldwide. Read More

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