


  Pope Francis has said that he would be willing to baptize aliens if they came to the Vatican, asking “who are we to close doors to anyone, even Martians”. According to multiple sources within the Vatican, Pope Francis wants to avoid the long-term embarrassment that the church experienced during the time of Galileo when it was clearly revealed that the Earth was not the center of the Universe. Reportedly the Pope wants to position the Jesuit Order to incorporate a new reality which consists of the acceptance of accepting a new reality of alien existence which are telepathic  and this will form the basis between humans and advanced aliens. I believe that this is what the Bible refers to as the Great Deception.

The United Nations is announcing that Pope Francis will address the annual U.N. General Assembly of world leaders on Sept. 25 during his first papal visit to the United States.The pope earlier agreed to address a joint meeting of Congress on his visit. The upcoming September 24 speech will mark the first time that a Pope will address the United States Congress. Many speculate that this is where the Pope will make his move to announce his “one religion initiative” and further elaborate on his belief that mankind is about to be contacted by telepathic aliens (his words, not mine). In an interview with Famiglia Cristiana, the Pope stated that he wanted to found an international body of religions under one central authority, “An United Nations of religion“.

Operation Blue Beam

For decades, NASA has developed space based weapons systems designed to penetrate every aspect of our lives and this plan is labeled as Operation Blue Beam. The Blue Beam Project has four different steps in order to implement a new age religion, along with the roll out of a fake Antichrist at its head. Oh, I believe that we will see an Anti-Christ, but this will not be it. We must remember that the new age religion is the very foundation for the new world government, without which religion the dictatorship of the New World Order is completely impossible.

Phase 1 The first step in the NASA Blue Beam Project concerns the breakdown of all archaeological knowledge. We will see more and more fake discoveries of previous alien contact, where these new discoveries will finally explain to all people the error of all fundamental religious doctrines. This new false doctrine will be used to make all nations believe that their religious doctrines have been misguided for centuries. Psychological preparations for that first step have already been implemented with such things as the Star Trek TV series,  the 2001 A Space Odyssey film , X Files, Falling Skies, the TV series V, and movies such as Independence Day, and District 9. All of this constitutes the psychological conditioning designed to promote a paradigm shift designed to get the public to accept an “alien” existence.

Phase 2 The second part of this deception is creating 3D holograms, sound and laser projections which will give way to several holographic images. As Steve Quayle and I discussed in our most recent interview, the HAARP type of technology now exists where entire battlefields can be projected and nobody would be the widers because, under these circumstances, nobody could distinguish fact from fiction.

Phase 3 Nearly a generation ago, Nick Begich demonstrated to the European Parliament how Project HAARP could produce fake voices inside the heads of the members of Parliament in what is known as Voice to Skull technology. Using ELF waves, HAARP can be directly projected into the brain, causing the brain to receive messages, words, and instructions HAARP can provide a way to wipe out communications over a large area, while keeping the military’s own communications systems working. HAARP can also be used for mind control.

Phase 4 Phase 4 culminates with mankind’s shared belief from the Great Deception, than an alien invasion is either under way, or is imminent and the only means of salvation is for a God-like figure, a holographic (i.e. a one-world religion God) will step in and “save” humanity. This will mark the beginning of a one-world government and a single Pagan religion like the one being called for the present Pope. In this final  phase of the plan, it will be made clear to the people that an alien invasion is imminent and the consolidation of government, religion, military and economic institutions will be “needed” for mankind to survive 

Operation Blue Beam has some basis of support from prominent elites.

Dr. Carol Rosin and Wernher Von Braun

Dr. Rosin recounts her four year association with Von Braun, and is she is quick to point out that he predicted that mankind would have a series of “boogey men” designed to manipulate mankind on the way to a New World Order.

First, Von Braun said we would fear the Russians followed by terrorists and then we would fear asteroids and then, finally, mankind would be manipulated into believing that the earth was going to be attacked by aliens. The end game from this reign of terror would be planetary unification.

Hillary Clinton and the UFO Question

Hillary Clinton was viewed at the Rockefeller Ranch holding a book by Paul Davies regarding the implications of extraterrestrial life. Interestingly, Vince Foster, friend and advisor to President Clinton, was tasked with two missions upon Bill Clinton’s election. First, find out who killed JFK. Secondly, find out the truth behind the alien question. Foster, as all will recall, committed “suicide” under some very mysterious circumstances. 

Reagan’s Alien Speech to the United Nations

In 1987, Ronald Reagan addressed the United Nations and asked what would happen to the differences in and among the nations of the earth if we were attacked by a hostile alien force.  This is that speech.


 There is enough evidence here to make most reasonable  people sit up and take notice.  Blue Beam is a fall back doomsday plan which will be implemented when all else fails. Is the NWO desperate enough to engage in such a plot? I think it is likely that this plan will be implemented so long as other plans of unification (i.e. World War III) fail to materialize. And when and if this plan materializes, don’t believe a single word of it, no matter how real ET seems to be. Why not? Because this event fits under the Biblical category of “Rumors of War”. And when we are faced with this Great Deception, fall to your knees and collectively pray for God’s intervention and direction in your lives. 

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