
Pinprick Acts Of Aggression: Is China Testing The Waters For War?

There are escalating attempts by China to push the envelope.

In an interview with Fox News, President Trump’s new VP pick, JD Vance, voiced his belief that China is the “biggest threat” to the United States. Vance is a China Hawk and favors turning American attention away from Ukraine and back to the Pacific.

Much of the focus in our country seems to be shifting toward China rather than toward other parts of the world.

Shortly after the NATO meetings earlier this month, China and Russia jointly conducted live-fire naval exercises in the South China Sea. In recent days, Chinese troops have also been sent to Belarus, a nation where their close ally, Russia, has placed a nuclear arsenal.

Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense stated that last week, as many as 66 Chinese military aircrafts and 7 Chinese military vessels were detected “operating around Taiwan.” According to reports, the Chinese military assembly was “apparently en route to a Chinese military exercise in the Western Pacific.”

“The CCP insists that Taiwan is Chinese territory, and the Biden administration has been warned that ‘reunification’ will take place at some point,” Prophecy News Watch described. Of course, no one knows when that’s going to take place, but it seems they are looking for a strategic time to make the move. They are receiving great encouragement from what they see happening with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

In response to questions about its aggressive actions toward Taiwan, Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian stated, “the determination of China to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity remains unrelenting.”

The Chinese have been aggressively probing Taiwan’s naval defenses. According to Prophecy News Watch, “During the first six months of 2024, the Taiwanese Coast Guard ‘drove away 567 Chinese boats.’”

Now China is venturing out much further afield. It’s been reported that “four Chinese military vessels were just spotted off the coast of Alaska.”

All four ships were in international waters, the Coast Guard said, but were inside the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone, which extends 200 nautical miles from the U.S. shoreline,” the report stated.

China is continuing to push and prod, delivering pinprick actions of aggression. They are likely testing the waters to see what the response will be in each of these cases. The reason it’s noteworthy that China has vessels off the coast of Alaska is because it is very unusual—Chinese military vessels usually don’t operate that far north. Many don’t realize this, but China now has the largest Navy on the planet, and they’re using this to expand their sphere of influence.

Shockingly, Prophecy News watch further added: “Our own military industry has become extremely dependent on the Chinese. It is being reported that Chinese semiconductors are in approximately ‘40% of all U.S. Department of Defense weapons systems and infrastructure.’”

Talk about being compromised! Some years ago, we had problems with semiconductors being used in automobiles, which slowed down production. However, this problem is much more extreme as it relates to our weapons.

World Net Daily highlighted:

A large number of Chinese semiconductors are used in critical military platforms, accounting for around 40% of all U.S. Department of Defense weapons systems and infrastructure, and are further linked to military supply chains such as Patriot air-defense missiles and B-2 bombers.


For example, a Lockheed Martin missile factory situated in Alabama produces Javelin anti-tank weapons which use more than 200 semiconductors in each weapon. This equates to thousands of Chinese-made semiconductors within U.S. weaponry.


“U.S. companies at the bottom of the supply chain pyramid often source these parts from China in open market transactions. As a result, many essential components in sensitive U.S. military systems now come from China. Countless major weapons platforms are vulnerable,” the report states.

It is very disturbing to see how China has that kind of control over our country.

Interestingly, when the assassination attempt against President Trump took place, there was a response from President Xi Jinping in China. Of course, he gave his sympathies to President Trump, according to a statement, but a newspaper owned by the country’s ruling Communist Party published several editorial articles quoting different Chinese academics, many of which stated that the U.S. was becoming increasingly polarized and at risk of potential Civil War.

Over in China, they are seeing the fracture in our country as a window of opportunity. They are also using it to bring disinformation through different social media platforms into our country and drive a greater political wedge.

Additionally, China held what is called its “third plenum.” In China, they have a major congress twice a decade with all their leaders. Between these congresses, the central committee holds seven plenums attended by all of its current 205 members and 171 alternate members. The first, second, and seventh plenums focus on the power transition between the central committees. The fourth and sixth plenums center on the party ideology. However, in recent decades, this third plenum, which took place last week, has focused on long-term economic reforms.

The third plenum that’s taken place has been described by Chinese state media as “epic making.” It’s expected to deliver major initiatives to address the risks and obstacles related to China’s long-term social and economic progress. Of course, all their meetings there are behind closed doors, so no one knows what’s taking place.

Could it be related to an invasion of Taiwan? Certainly, it would boost their economy hugely if they could successfully take over Taiwan and all its infrastructure. Time will tell.

What we do know is that the Bible predicts a massive confederation of nations mentioned in conjunction with the campaign of Armageddon. Revelation 16:12 says, “And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.”

We know that these kings from the east come from the east of the Euphrates River because it has to be dried up for their advance. Obviously, there are a lot of nations east of the Euphrates, but the major player now is China.

Many see a parallel between Revelation 16 and chapter 9, where you have angels that are released at the Euphrates River and an army of 200 million. They believe the army of 200 million and the army from the east are the same. Now, I believe that the army of 200 million in Revelation nine is a demonic army— not a human army—because of several things that are in that passage. The connection is seen because both mention large armies and the Euphrates River. Either way, China, it seems, will be a key player in these End Time events.

China today is a powder keg. How will the U.S. respond to China’s relationship with Russia, the encouragement of the Ukraine invasion, and their plans to absorb Taiwan at some point in time?

All these things are taking place, with China being positioned as the other great nation besides the United States. If the rapture were to take place and the U.S. was reduced suddenly from our superpower status, that would elevate China to be the major player in our world today.

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