A worldview is the lens through which we interpret the world and live our daily lives. If our worldview is based on the Bible, we hold a biblical view of marriage, family, society, law, justice, morality, and basic right and wrong. God said … the end. His word is eternal, unchangeable, and absolute because God is eternal, unchanging, and rules over all things.
If we hold a biblical Christian worldview, we know God ordained marriage for life as a covenant between one man and one woman. We know this because God said so in Genesis 1:27, and Jesus confirmed and repeated it in Mark 10:6-8, “From the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’ For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” God left no room for compromise, caveats, nuances, or “social norms.”
Christians understand most unsaved people hold a secular, humanist, self-centered, relativist, or evolutionary worldview. Their beliefs may be sincerely held and ardently supported, but it doesn’t matter how many people are for or against something when they’re wrong. Truth is not decided by a show of hands or headcount. God does not rule by consensus. The only opinion that matters in all endeavors of human existence is “What does God think?”
How can I say dogmatically that only God’s opinion matters? Because my Christian worldview is rooted in the Scripture that says, “Declare among the nations: ‘The Lord reigns!’ The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved; He will judge the peoples with equity” (Psalm 96:10). If that’s not clear enough, we have Paul’s testimony repeating Psalm 24, “The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness” (1 Corinthians 10:26). God has the divine right to rule over all humanity because He is Lord.
Why Does A Worldview Matter?
A Christian biblical worldview is essential in a world that is constantly morphing into whatever is popular, gratifying, or legal. That is one of many reasons our Founding Fathers did not establish a Democracy (That’s a common lie we are being fed on purpose. Just because we hear it often doesn’t make it true).
America is a Constitutional Representative Republic. In a pure democracy, the majority rules. Whatever many want, everyone gets. What happens when the majority is wrong, biased, selfish, immoral, or addicted? We get a mess, like when the majority votes that drug addiction should be legalized or mothers should be legally allowed to kill their babies even after they are fully born, breathing, and out of the womb, as in California, Michigan, and New York.
If we hold a biblical Christian worldview, we know this is wrong because murder is written into the Decalogue (Ex. 20:13). It’s murder to kill a living human being, preborn, newborn, or octogenarian. Our 14th Amendment protections apply to us all. Just because abortion is legal or euthanasia becomes socially acceptable doesn’t make them right, only harder to prosecute.
Why do some Christians accept cultural shifts and try to fit in? Fear, faithlessness, and ignorance. If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything. People with no biblical Christian worldview often follow the crowd, some out of a desire to fit in, others out of ignorance that there’s another option. Both have nothing on which to depend when questions arise that they don’t understand or have never faced. What should I do if…?
As Christians with a biblical worldview, our automatic response should be, “What does the Bible say? What is God’s perspective?” We know what is right because the Bible addresses right and wrong in every possible context: religious, societal, interpersonal, and governmental.
Why A Biblical Worldview?
How could one 2000-year-old book possibly address every matter of human behavior and thought? The answer to that also arises from a biblical worldview: Only an eternal God could have known what would happen in advance. Only a Master Creator would have anticipated everything humanity would face over our existence and made preparations for our salvation and everyday lives. Only a loving Father would have written it down and preserved it for us to reference thousands of years later.
If humanity and the universe are products of luck, chance, chaos, and evolution, then we have the right to be and conduct ourselves according to our whims and desires. Instead of what is right, we default to what feels good, what we want, what benefits us most, or what advances our agenda. That’s the natural outcome of a me-based evolutionary belief system. I’m the final authority. It puts “me” in God’s place.
Our modern society believes it can do whatever it wants because they’re more evolved, more advanced, and more open-minded. I love the phrase that defines that attitude: “Don’t be so open-minded, your brains fall out.” Too many people have tried to be open-minded, tolerant, and inclusive because they’ve been force-fed that nonsense and told it’s what we must do in this highly evolved social paradigm.
Well, guess what? Our society isn’t new. “There is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9). Abortion was legal and common in ancient Rome. Pagan temple prostitutes gave birth all the time. When they became pregnant, they would give birth, then put the babies out in the street and leave them to die or worse—offer them as sacrifices to pagan deities. Like modern abortions, where 97% of all abortions are elective – the baby was ‘sacrificed’ because it was inconvenient – these babies were disposable outcomes of illicit sexual activity.
The early Christians understood this was wrong because God values life, so they began rescuing those infants. The First Century Church became known for rescuing these uncared-for and unseen babies. The idea of an orphanage as we know it was born in the early Church. Historians Josephus and Tacitus noted the practice of Christians saving babies because it was so unusual. They had only the Old Testament then, but by comparing the teachings of Christ to the Mosaic Law, the young Church understood allowing babies to die was inhumane and abhorrent.
Practical Applications of A Biblical Worldview
What of the other social issues of our time, like homosexual marriage and legalized drug use? How could the Bible possibly address modern society and the problems and questions we face? That’s the easiest question to answer if you hold a biblical worldview. Because God created everything and everyone, God would know everything we would ever face because He knows what is in the hearts of men and women.
How do we know sexual perversion is wrong? Because the Bible says so in 1 Corinthians chapter 6. Why is 1 Corinthians chapter 6 in your Bible? Simple, because that letter was written to the Church of Corinth, where it was already happening. Paul based his answer on Leviticus 18 and Deuteronomy 22 because sexual perversion was common in Canaan before Israel inhabited the Promised Land. All the gender nonsense we face is not new, evolved, or a newfound freedom of expression; it was happening in 2000 BC!
Because God is the Author of the Bible, He addressed all the concerns, behaviors, ideas, and situations we would ever face. Even when no verse says, “Thou shalt not…” we have God’s eternal promises and timeless principles that apply to any generation or question. Only an all-knowing God could do that, and He did! Now, more than ever, the world is looking for answers. They don’t need compliant, complacent, tolerant, make-no-waves Christians; they need the truth from the Bible.
Unsaved people can see that the world is a mess, and they are desperately seeking answers. We have them. They don’t fit the politically or socially accepted narrative because the current culture is godless, anti-Christian, immoral, and wicked. Our biblical Christian worldview will stand in stark contrast to the world’s viewpoint, but we were never meant to fit in; we were meant to stand out, to “shine as lights in the darkness”(Philippians 2:15).
Never be afraid to stand for the truth and against the lies. Stand on the truths of the Bible. Speak for God unapologetically, “The Bible says…” God was right the first time. His word still applies. His answers are still true. His way works because humans will always repeat the processes and practices of those before them. When societies have been out of step with God’s word, they have always failed and fallen. Pray that does not happen to America. Speak up in the places God has given you influence.
Let Ephesians 6:13 be your guide. Reject what the liberal, godless, mainstream media is selling. Never be ashamed to be salt and light to a world that is spiritually dead in sin, morally decaying in filth, and blinded by the thick darkness of Satanic deception.
Watchmen, fill your mind with things of Christ—think Christianly. Be a fountain of His words—speak biblically. Be a beacon in the town square, at home, online, and in public. Pray, Vote, Stand, and Finish well.