
Fake Alien invasion – Are They Planning the Ultimate False Flag?

Fake Alien invasion – Are They Planning the Ultimate False Flag?By Paul A. Philips

We have recently seen a significant push for reinstating mandatory military service. Both the UK and USA have called for all young people to be drafted. Manufactured fake wars tied in with a hidden depopulation agenda may explain the push for these high numbers.

However, given that there’s no need for so many soldiers these days, as war scenarios are now fought using high-tech weaponry; for example, remotely operated cyber-controlled aircraft, robotics and drones… etc., could there be another angle to this?

Could a planned fake alien invasion be in the cards as the ultimate false flag?

Consider the millions of conscripts required to deal with such a scenario to fight on homeland. Could, for instance, U.S military conscription be part of a concerted operation tied into a covertly planned fake alien invasion?

In retrospect, what about the legacy mainstream media’s many recent publications covering aliens. All on the same page, asking the same questions such as, “Do aliens reside among us?”  or, “Are they secretly working together planning an invasion…?” Then there are the numerous accounts of alien encounters from whistleblowers and ordinary people, receiving a lot of attention basically saying “They are here…”

Is this part of the conditioning designed to get the public used to and then be fooled into a hostile alien invasion threat, not knowing that the whole thing is deep-state manufactured?

Would the public be fooled?

The recent House of Representatives approved National Defense Authorization Act has made an amendment that will register all able-bodied resident males aged 18-26 for selective service into the U.S military in 2025. There are intentions to expand registration to draft women. For more on this go here.

What if these young people forced to enlist soon find themselves fighting a formidable alien foe?

Consider the resulting grave concerns for these young people from their parents and other close relatives giving their support. So emotionally struck, some losing their senses, would the nature of the fake alien foe bring less skepticism, while allowing the deep state to get away with the fakery?

Remember, to most people, a potential alien threat is thought to come from off-worlds, aliens showing up in the sky, not from underground lairs. Would an attack from aliens coming from underground really shake people, as they had not been prepared for this? How would this unexpected invasion be reassessed?

Purpose – endgame goal

What would be the real agenda behind this massive recruitment?  Bear in mind, as already mentioned, large-scale infantry and combat formation is not needed: A large-scale U.S military setup involved in the Ukraine conflict, or for instance, the potential need to fight off enemy attacks in Taiwan has been dismissed by some as not necessary.

One person who thinks the high conscription numbers are unnecessary is Dr. Michael Salla, a renowned researcher, pioneer of ‘Exopolitics’ who has revealed the Secret Space Program. He puts forward that the contrived alien threat could come from cloned aliens made in deep underground military bases. Dr. Salla states that cloning technology over the years has been extremely well-developed.

Further, he says these programmed life forms, cloned entities, derived from crypto-terrestrials, non-human intelligences that have been dwelling underground for thousands of years, could rise up to ground-level in the numbers and overrun major cities, creating the illusion that they have come from outer space… In effect, it will then justify large-scale military mobilization and intervention.

I know that some may find this hard to swallow, but perhaps we should keep an open mind.

As with all false flag psyops you have to ask “who gains?” In the event of a fake alien invasion. The endgame goal (gain) would be to assert centralized control and power. I’ll explain:

With most people having no idea of what’s really going on in this deception, the United States government, the respective administration and the millions involved in the military activity would be revered for overseeing homeland “protection” and “victory” over the secretly cloned-army aliens, but it doesn’t end there.

The deception would continue. The military industrial complex and government would insist on maintaining the millions upon millions of soldiers in case of another alien invasion (which they would secretly manufacture again). After all, these aliens are capable of unexpectedly popping up from underground here, there and everywhere again at any time…

Consider the money needed to keep these solders needed for U.S homeland protection and then there could follow another manufactured fake alien invasion.

In the rhetoric, this would be quite a power grab, bringing in huge profits for those who stand to gain through orchestrating this manipulative scam: The military industrial complex and those corporate crony governmental associates in high places.

Consider this invasion and its same effects in other countries. On that scale, wouldn’t it therefore make the fake alien invasion the ultimate false flag scenario? The ultimate psyop. The ultimate power grab given its unlimited potential as a perpetual existential threat resulting in endless wars. Endless profits for the military industrial complex. Talk about draining financial resources…

In retrospect, perhaps we should be more afraid of governments than aliens.

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