
Dr. Dean Patterson: There could be as many as 50,000 people in the UK who have developed myocarditis post-vaccination

The MHRA Yellow Card scheme has 1,500 reports of myocarditis.  However, drug side effects are hugely underreported. 

“There’s data suggesting that 95% of cases are not reported and when you correct this level of underreporting, there could be 25,000-40,000 people with myocarditis from the covid vaccines in the UK,” cardiologist Dr. Dean Patterson testified to the People’s Vaccine Inquiry.

“If you correct using my data, it could be 50,000,” he said.

The UK’s People’s Vaccine Inquiry was launched on Monday.  “Fed up by the UK Government kicking the issues around the covid “vaccines” into the long grass, a bunch of us have come together with our own initiative, loosely modelled on the Canadian version,” Jonathan Engler said and recommended, in particular, Doctors For Patients UK’s submission to the Inquiry.

You can follow the People’s Vaccine Inquiry (“the Inquiry”) on Twitter HERE and you can watch or read all the testimonials on its website HERE. The organisers of the Inquiry encourage other experts to come forward and provide additional testimonials by submitting them via THIS email link.

Established in September 2022, Doctors for Patients UK (“DfPUK”) was formed by a group of doctors alarmed by the disregard of medical ethics. The group serves as a platform for sharing and voicing concerns and discussing critical health issues which have been appropriated by global interests.

Because the risks of mRNA and other covid-19 injections outweigh their benefits, DfPUK has launched the ‘The Hope Accord’, a petition that calls for an immediate halt and re-evaluation of these products.

DfPUK submitted their statement to the Inquiry as part of a moral and public duty to address several concerns, among them the risks associated with covid “vaccines” as demonstrated in the numerous adverse reaction reports submitted through the UK’s Yellow Card scheme that are still not being addressed by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (“MHRA”).  Its submission to the Inquiry aligns with General Medical Council (“GMC”) mandates that require doctors to act when patient safety is at risk, DfPUK said.

Within its 77-page written statement submitted to the Inquiry are testimonies from several doctors: consultant cardiologist and general physician Dr. Dean Patterson; oncologist Professor Angus Dalgleish; surgeons Mr. T James Royle, Mr. Ian McDermott and Mr. Tony Hintonon; psychiatrist Dr. Ali Ajaz; emergency department doctor Dr. Scott Mitchell; general practitioners Dr. Kathy Grieg, Dr. Caroline Lapworth, Dr. Ayiesha Malik and Dr. Tim Kelly.

Dr. Dean Patterson: There could be as many as 50,000 people in the UK who have developed myocarditis post-vaccination
Doctors for patients UK, Submission To The People’s Vaccine Inquiry, 10 June 2024

As well as a written testimony, Dr. Patterson, who is a cardiologist in Guernsey, gave oral testimony to shed some light on how people have been harmed by the covid injections.

People’s Vaccine Inquiry, Dr Dean Patterson, Consultant Cardiologist (29 mins)

Covid Vaccines are Prodrugs

Prodrugs are pharmacologically inactive compounds that are converted into active pharmaceutical ingredients in the body.

“Covid vaccines are prodrugs because unlike traditional vaccines they produce a secondary product which has a distribution in the body, which needs to be accounted for,” Dr. Patterson told the Inquiry.

Biodistribution refers to the study of how a drug moves through the body after administration. This includes the movement of the compound through the bloodstream and its uptake by tissues and organs.  Understanding biodistribution is crucial in the development of new medicines, as it helps to predict the efficacy and toxicity of a compound.  But we don’t have the biodistribution data for covid injections, Dr. Patterson said.

He then briefly listed the major components of the covid injections: the mRNA, the lipid nanoparticles and contaminants that are present through the manufacturing process.

“It’s important we know where these entities go, how long they hang around and what are their downstream consequences.  Because you have a chemical half-life – how long is it in the body – and then you have a metabolic, biological effect – which is how long is its action,” he explained.

The rationale for having information on the chemical half-life and biological effects, he said, was to establish the toxicity of the components of the “vaccines” and “work out the safety and therefore to appropriately dose individuals,” he explained.

“On the back of that, we also need to know about the individual patient factors which pre-dispose patients to some of the side effects of [for example] the lipid nanoparticle, the mRNA technology as well as the contaminants,” he said.

In his written statement, Dr. Patterson shared a table summarising the numbers of myocarditis cases from 2020 onwards in Guernsey.  He has seen 63 cases of myocarditis in the years 2020-2023 with 19 pending cases from 2023 awaiting cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (“CMRI”), also known as cardiovascular MRI.

“Prior to 2020, I would see 3-5 cases of myocarditis per annum, with serious cases being 1-2 every 5 years, and 2020 was no different,” he wrote. And continued:

Toxicity of the Vaccines

What we have learnt over the past few years, Dr. Patterson explained, is that there is a significant effect if you wrap contaminants in lipid nanoparticles.

Zeta potential, also known as electrokinetic potential, is the electric potential difference between the surface of a solid particle and the surrounding liquid in which the particles are dispersed. It is an important measure in nanoparticle and nanoformulation, along with particle size distribution, as it decides the dispersion control of a non-aqueous suspension. The zeta potential is significantly influenced by the ionic balance of the solution.

Related: “Died Suddenly” Blood Clots – What Causes Them?

“With lipid nanoparticles, you get changes in the ionic balance [which is] called zeta potential.  In this case, it can affect the core thickness of the agent when it is injected,” he said.

The technology to scale up the manufacture of the vaccines is DNA plasmids. “If you don’t get rid of [plasmids] when you’re purifying [vaccines] these can cause issues as well when they’re wrapped in a lipid nanoparticle because it allows the plasmid to enter the cytoplasm and potentially cause harm,” Dr. Patterson said.  “The same thing goes for the DNA fragments.”

Along with the plasmids and DNA fragments, is also the SV40 promoter and “the effects of the technology on something called the P53 which is a tumour suppressor part of the human genetic makeup,” he added.

Cardiovascular Damage and Systemic Harm

Below is a list of the covid injections’ adverse effects of special interest as noted by the US Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) in October 2020. Related: Medicine Regulators knew in October 2020 that the Covid-19 Vaccines would cause blood clots, heart damage, harm to children, and death

The endothelium is a single layer of cells that lines the inner surface of blood vessels. Blood vessels, whether they are arteries, veins or capillaries, are found throughout the body. It is crucial as an interface between the circulating blood and the rest of the vessel wall. It controls blood fluidity, platelet aggregation and vascular tone.  The endothelium also lines the inner surface of the heart.

When you get disruption to the endothelial lining through any inflammatory process you can get thrombosis, Dr. Patterson said. “We know the spike protein causes endothelial disruption,” he said.

“The lipid nanoparticle with the zeta potential once it becomes caustic also can become quite degrading to the endothelium,” he added.

“Thereafter you get platelets, which are foot soldiers which stop bleeding whenever you cut yourself, they can inappropriately manifest into a thrombotic cascade and you can end up with inappropriate thrombosis.  We’ve heard about some of these thrombosis pathways which can be abnormal, very thick and rubbery clots,” he explained.

“Any organ that this affects can cause widespread disease,” he said. “You can get neurological effects, you can get myelitis, encephalitis,  Guillain-Barré syndrome and a number of other situations which don’t sound like blood clots on paper but if you’ve got small blood vessels in these organs being affected in this way, you can suffer with those problems.”

We know about myocarditis, “which I’ve seen a lot of,” he said.  “But similarly, you can get myocardial infarction [heart attack], stroke, thrombosis in the abdominal cavity, you can get infarction in the spleen and in the kidneys.”

He then went into more detail about myocarditis, what’s happening in the heart and how it affects men, women and different age groups, including a video recording of a 20-year-old man’s testimony who developed myocarditis within 24 hours of vaccination. It is well worth also watching to the end where Dr. Patterson answers questions put to him by science journalist Will Jones to understand more about the mechanisms of harm to the heart.

From personal experience, Dr. Patterson has not seen myocarditis caused by covid infection, he’s only seen myocarditis cases caused by vaccines. He said he did not have one patient with myocarditis caused by covid, as the UK Health Security Agency (“UKHSA”) states.

“It was only [after] the vaccine rolled out that I saw this flare-up [of myocarditis cases].  And it was impossible for me not to see it because patients were presenting with problems. I had 25 cases in 2021 [see table above].  There were a lot of patients with pericarditis and chest pain, I have a list of 20 but the list was greater than that because it’s impossible running my day job and trying to keep track of all these numbers,” he said.

In the MHRA Yellow Card scheme, a system for collecting information on suspected adverse drug reactions, there have been 1,500 reports of myocarditis and over a thousand reports of pericarditis post-covid vaccination. However, “we know that drug side effects are hugely underreported.  There’s data suggesting that 95% of cases are not reported and when you correct this level of underreporting, there could be 25,000-40,000 people with myocarditis from the covid vaccines in the UK,” Dr. Patterson said. “If you correct using my data, it could be 50,000,” he said.

It was the myocarditis cases in people under the age of 35 that raised the alarm about a problem with the vaccines.  It was only detected because they vaccinated young people.  If they had not vaccinated young people, we would be unaware of it, Dr. Patterson said.

“[It would have been missed] because everybody above the age of 35 would have been managed as a heart attack case. They would have been pushed in during the heat of post-covid chaos, ‘Do they have corisynosis, no’ [then] ‘out’, they have to be discharged because they were seeing increasing numbers at that time in any event, there was a huge backlog from lockdowns.  There was serious predictable harm from lockdowns.  We knew if you were going to shut hospitals you were going to cause trouble,” he said.

“It is my firm belief that we need to recall these vaccines and there needs to be a government-led investigation into the adverse events that are unfolding,” he said.

Dr. Dean Patterson: There could be as many as 50,000 people in the UK who have developed myocarditis post-vaccination
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