HomeBlogCanada’s Untouchable Radicals: How the Red-Green Alliance Controls the Streets (Exclusive)
Canada’s Untouchable Radicals: How the Red-Green Alliance Controls the Streets (Exclusive)
The Red-Green Alliance, backed by government support, wields unchecked power on Canadian streets, targeting charities, undermining law, and advancing pro-terrorist agendas.
A web of anti-Jewish activists, Muslim radicals, a fringe Jewish group, and Marxist organizations (including the Canadian government) are cooperating in a red-green alliance as a strategy to advance the pro-Hamas cause. Recent efforts to undermine Canadian-Israeli charities, demoralize Jews, and facilitate funding to pro-terrorist “Palestinian” charities have not gone unnoticed amid the backdrop of over 300 days of pro-Hamas rallies on Canadian city streets. This trend is evident in recent Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) decisions to revoke the official charitable status of two Jewish charities: the Jewish National Fund (JNF) of Canada and the Ne’eman Foundation.
Wellington St. Ottawa Aug 10, 2024
Who are the JNF?
Canada’s oldest Jewish charity, JNF Canada, had its charitable status officially revoked by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) on August 10, 2024. JNF Canada has been active and well-respected in Canada for over one hundred years. Much of its work was devoted to projects such as preserving natural habitats in Israel, building parks, playgrounds, and bicycle paths, planting trees, and forestry development initiatives.
More recently, JNF Canada expanded its work to include helping seniors, special needs individuals, and at-risk youth. It also assisted in building cultural and family centers. JNF Canada’s charitable status has been revoked despite court proceedings. This means that JNF Canada can no longer issue tax receipts for donations and must dispose of its assets or pay a 100 percent tax on money in its accounts.
Though they disagree with the CRA’s decision, JNF Canada emphasizes that they had attempted to work with the CRA outside of court proceedings. Though the CRA’s decisions and revocation have not been tested in court, JNF Canada had nonetheless made changes to operations in good faith. Nathan Disenhouse, National President of JNF Canada, stated:
It is simply unjust to close a charity supported by over 100,000 Canadians based on reversing a decision the CRA made in 1967.” In response to unfounded media accusations.“
JNF Canada also emphasized the following in a publicly issued statement:
According to radical progressive activist Yves Engler, who has called the JNF racist and colonialist, the CRA revocation is “Historic. Maybe the most significant victory for Palestinian solidarity activists in Canadian history. The Jewish National Fund of Canada losing its charitable status is a blow to Israel, Zionist groups, and Canada’s establishment.”
In response to the ruling, The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) posted The following comment on X, formerly known as Twitter: “As the union representing over 17,000 CRA professionals and an organization that will always stand for human rights, we commend CRA’s decision to revoke the Jewish National Fund’s charitable status.”
In a following post, the PIPSC continued: “No organization that uses tax-deductible donations to support war or genocidal efforts in an occupied territory should be able to benefit from Canadian charitable status.”
One wonders whether such comments meet the standard of professionalism of a public sector union, especially as there is no evidence that JNF Canada or any other Canadian Jewish charity has supported war efforts or funded a genocide.
Two Tier Policing
At pro-Hamas rallies, meanwhile, the red-green alliance operates in plain sight. For ten months, police have watched as speakers cosplaying in terrorist costumes call for the destruction of Israel, Zionists, neutral parties, and everyone who doesn’t support the cause of an independent Palestinian state.
They regularly set off smoke bombs, have occupied private and public property for months, and on numerous occasions have vandalized property. The police sometimes bring the radicals coffee, while critical infrastructure like bridges and roads are taken over. In contrast to these thugs, the Freedom Convoy were peaceful Canadians who were protesting the COVID regime’s medical tyranny.
Amid a sea of Canadian flags, they fed the homeless, shoveled snow, cleaned the sidewalks, set up bouncy castles, and had dance parties. In return, they were beaten, doxxed, and arrested. Lawfare against some of the Freedom Convoy attendees is still ongoing.
Revolutionary Communist Party Flag
Who is Active at Pro-Hamas Rallies?
One would be hard-pressed to find even one Canadian flag at the pro-Hamas rallies.
Parliament Hill, Aug. 10 2024
Amid the backdrop of a sea of Palestinian flags, one sees communist flags, flags of the Marxist-Leninist Party, pride flags, and Antifa symbols. Speakers call for the annihilation of the state of Israel, the condemnation of anyone who supports Israel, and the replacement of Israel with a Palestinian state. In the words of speaker Iyad Abuhamed, “It’s on this land. Either us or us and nothing else… We will never, we will never, we will never recognize Israel…”
This video was captured on August 3, 2024, during a rally in Montreal honoring Ismail Haniyeh, the Hamas leader killed on July 31.
Multiple Calls for Jihad (Holy War) are met by the crowd with shrieks of “Allahu Akhbar!” Dying a Shaheed’s death (martyrdom) is exalted as a worthy sacrifice. Hamas leaders, like billionaire Ismail Haniyeh, who was recently killed in Iran, are honored as such Shaheeds. “The resistance, ” which is simply an euphemism for terrorist attacks like October 7th, 2023, is celebrated. Protesters march and yell, “Long live the Intifada,” and sing, “All the Zionists are racist, all the Zionists are terrorists,” to the tune of Seven Nation Army. They chant, “There is only one solution! Intifada! Intifada!” in what seems in this context to be a thinly veiled reference to the Holocaust.
Volunteers from the controversial Hands for Charity, a supposed humanitarian charity located in Montréal, circulate throughout these hateful events, asking for donations.
Muslim Charities, Islamic Centers, and Terrorist Funding
Hands for Charity (H4C) is a registered charitable organization in Montréal. In 2022, H4C sent money to an organization called Al Hayah or Alhayah For Family Development (AFFD). AFFD has ties with Interpal and Al-Aqsa. Interpal has funded Hamas and has helped to funnel money to Hamas through various European networks. Al-Aqsa was a key source of funding for Hamas. A volunteer for H4C who was collecting donations explained:
“We have the duty to make people feel more concerned for the genocide and ask them to give what they can to help our people in Gaza, in Palestine. To have bread, to have one packet of food since the genocide is ongoing.”
She elaborated that the money was strictly for essentials: Food, water, and clothes. However, H4C has also provided fuel and supplies to hospitals in Gaza, which have doubled as covers for terrorist military bases. One of the hospitals was also used to hide the Israeli hostages who were abducted from Israel during the October 7th, 2023, terrorist attacks. From their own promotional videos, it appears H4C is also active in Yemen, Turkey, andLebanon. Despite these questionable ties and inconsistencies in their mandate, despite collecting funds amid protests that flout Canadian laws, and despite donating over $50,000 to AFFD, Hands for Charity’s charitable status has not been revoked.
The Muslim Association of Canada Barrhaven Islamic Center
One of the speakers at the August 10th, 2024, Ottawa Day of Rage event, organized by Ottawa4Palestine and Montreal4Palestine, was from the Barrhaven Islamic Center (BIC).
BIC was established by the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC), a large non-profit organization headquartered in Mississauga. According to MAC, “Our Mission is to establish an Islamic presence in Canada that is balanced, constructive, and integrated, though distinct, in the social fabric and culture of Canada.”
The MAC website emphasizes that it is a grassroots, moderate organization that practices Sunni Islam and rejects extremism. Yet MAC is currently undergoing an extensive audit by the CRA for concerns over links to Hamas and alleged ties to Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood and International Relief Fund for the Afflicted and Needy (IRFAN-Canada.)
IRFAN-Canada gave more than $14.6 million to operating partners of Hamas. Hamas is a designated terrorist organization. The 151-page report by the CRA reviews only three years of their operations and alleges that some MAC directors and employees have been involved in “an apparent Hamas support network.”
The CRA Charities Directorate alleged MAC promoted IRFAN-Canada events and facilitated fundraising for the terrorist-funding conduit long after IRFAN-Canada had its charitable status stripped for sending millions of dollars to Hamas.
The audit also says that “most prominent members, directors, and officials were either involved in IRFAN-Canada, or a network of charities that appear to have been used to propagate and fundraise for Hamas in Canada” and also asserts “a close association between the organization and the Muslim Brotherhood organization.” According to the CRA, one of MAC’s presidents had traveled to Egypt to work on the election campaign for an Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood political candidate. The auditors also noted that MAC had received funding from the Qatar charity “Union of Good” (which funds Hamas) and Saudi Arabia.
In response to the report, MAC tried to have the audit stopped in court, bringing claims that they were the victims of CRA “Islamophobia” and that the audit was a violation of their Charter rights. Though the cynical ruse to stop the audit failed, MAC did not have to pay the circus costs. In the judgment, the judge notes that the Review and Analysis Division (RAD) of the CRA found, “Between 2009 and 2014, MAC’s assets, including real estate holdings, had grown from $16 million to approximately $47 million,” which indicated that the charity was accumulating real estate as an investment strategy, which is not a charitable purpose.
Despite these very serious and detailed allegations about being a pipeline for terrorist funding, as well as the comprehensive audit and the preliminary recommendation that the applicant’s charitable status be revoked, MAC has not had its charitable status revoked like the Jewish charities. It continues to enjoy tax exemptions, and Prime Minister Trudeau continues to attend MAC events. In 2022, it even received $800,000 in federal funding from the Canadian government.
Who is funding the Neturei Karta trophy Jews?
Neturei Karta International (NKI) is a tiny fringe sect of Judaism, Representing only 0.03 percent of worldwide Jewry. It began in Israel in 1938. Small numbers of NKI adherents live in cities around the world. The same NKI activists were seen in Montréal and Ottawa, only one week apart.
The following video was captured on August 10 in Ottawa:
In Ottawa, Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss was announced as having just returned from the funeral of ‘Martyred leader’ Ismail Haniya in Doha, Qatar, with his recorded speech played at the pro-Hamas event. Weiss, who met Haniya in 2009 during his tenure as Hamas leader, has a long history of associating with Islamic terrorists and attending their conferences. He has also met with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on multiple occasions.
While at a pro-Palestinian conference, Weiss presented a gift to Hezbollah Secretary-General Sheikh Naim Qassem for Hezbollah Chief Hassan Nasrallah. Weiss also took part in the 2006 Holocaust Denial Convention in Tehran, Iran, with David Duke (former leader of the Ku Klux Klan.)Other leaders of the Neturei Karta have also formed alliances with various terrorist organizations. Rabbi Moshe Hirsch was a member of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO); he was in the cabinet and had close ties with terrorist Yasser Arafat.
The Neturei Karta International website has an invitation form that clearly states that they are happy to travel to attend events as invited speakers to promote the anti-Zionist cause. Who is hosting the event, and whether or not they happen to be a terrorist organization is irrelevant. Beyond the manifestation of their mandate, a few things stand out as odd about NKI. For a supposedly Orthodox organization, they attend events on Saturdays and travel during the Jewish Sabbath.
Orthodox Jews are prohibited under Jewish law from working on their Sabbath. One Neturei Karta member was seen in Ottawa speaking with, touching, looking at, and conversing with a female pro-Hamas event organizer. This type of contact with uncovered non-Jewish women is discouraged for supposed ultra-Orthodox men. Finally, and most worryingly, it is difficult to determine how NKI is funded. The only readily available information indicates they are funded through online and street donations.
One thing is for certain: the donations are substantial enough to facilitate international travel to conferences all around the world, as well as to pay for full-time activism at pro-terrorist rallies and public protests against Israel across North America. The people behind these donations badly want to facilitate a “Jewish” presence to validate these Jew-hating events as anti-Zionist rather than anti-Jewish, and to the untrained eye, the Neturei Karta appear to fulfill these aims as trophy Jews.
Double Standards and Terrorist Financing
Why are terrorist sympathizers being permitted to break our laws on our streets for ten months? Why are Jewish charities being targeted and having their charitable status revoked for minor procedural allegations that have not been proven in court when an audit demonstrating extensive alleged terrorist financing as well as tens of millions of dollars of real estate investments, as well as foreign funding from Qatar and Saudi Arabia, insufficient grounds to revoke charitable status? Is crying wolf about systemic racism and Islamophobia all it takes to slow down legal action against charities that are alleged to be funding and helping various terrorist organizations?